Hello everyone. I'm back and it's Thursday again. So far, the last few days and the last week have been nothing but bad. I don't like the feeling of being in limbo, but at this point, there's nothing else for it.
So here I sit twiddling my thumbs and blogging and trying to write for several articles. All due in a few days' time.
I think I will extend my project of the magic markers from THIS to THIS! It'll be cheaper than wallpaper and easy to take off. :)
I think that I love everything in the Celine show posted HERE
I LOVE THESE DRESSES!!! Especially all the white ones!!!! Maybe I'm getting into white now because of the heat here in Manila. Oppressing sometimes, and the humidity is ridiculous.
I just remembered that I dreamt last night the name I would give my daughter. Weird.
My love for Zooey Deschanel and her quirkiness has now extended to her band SHE & HIM. I can't describe it. I'm hesitant to call them folk, though they sort of sound like that. Anyway, take a listen. They're nice, light hearted music for late afternoons.
Just enough craziness to push you to the weekend is in THIS SITE and I will need to do THIS to my friends sometime very soon.
I have decided I want to read the Bible for fun. I have been raised a Catholic, but I do not agree with most of what they say or do. I believe that all religions stem from one and that the cultures make them different. If you look at all of them, they are fundamentally the same, the rules and values are just all said in a different way. Which leads me to the Bible. I am interested to read it, as a book, not as something I should do to save my soul.
I am SPIRITUAL, NOT RELIGIOUS. I am curious about these things though, as well as the fact that the Bible is a great story, whether you believe it to be non fiction or fiction. So, I will document my progress here and see how that goes :)
I think I'm going to start Bikram Yoga with a friend. If you don't know what that is, click THIS to see the craziness I'm going to put myself through. Should be an interesting endeavor.


I need to keep reminding myself of both these facts :)
Hilarious bits and pieces from a cafe. And something funny from my childhood.
*snicker snicker*
Have a great day people :) Until next time, I will now leave you with a picture of my two favorite furballs in the world.
(L-R: Katara, Panthro)
And yep, they took over the bed. AGAIN. Later gaters! :D