Sunday, June 13, 2010

Steady Sunday

As I type, it's overcast and the room has darkened a bit.  It's 4pm and it looks like it's dusk already.  The wind is getting stronger, which usually means tonight there will be rain.  

I love this kind of weather.  :)  Reminds me of England!

Then of course, reality bites me in the butt:

The mountain of dishes yet to be cleaned. *sigh* Didn't know porkchops took this much work :) hehehe!!!  Twas worth it though.  

O there it is.  I know why I'm a moving sloth-like today!  It is because I stayed up for the England vs. USA!!  Yeah that ended up at 5am Philippine time. A draw.  A DRAW I TELL YOU!  Ah well, the boys will come back fighting.  I can feel it!

I like this saying:

Oh and I think I want the jewelry in THIS SITE. Fawn fawn fawn over the rings.  Gorgeous :)

Yesterday, I'm happy to inform you, that I got a hand held blender!  I'm excited to use it for smoothies and soups and sauces. :)  Thanks to C who bought it for me!! :D  Not bad either, since it was priced under Php1000.  

Here are a few links I found browsing the blogging world today:

That lovely dress came from THIS lovely lady :) 

So there you go!!  Oh hey, do you like the new layout of the site? :)  I tried to put together something that had green and hot pink in it.  This is as close as I could get! :)  I hope you like it!!

Happy weekend! :)