To whom it may concern: I am now happily pregnant and 8 months along. I am due on November 27 and I am currently loving every minute of it, albeit some moments are painful, like today.
Moving on, I've been looking at new things online, such as trying new things to do around the house, to make everything cleaner in a safer way, especially because the baby is coming :) Because of all the research, my fellow girlfriends who are pregnant have convinced me to write a blog entry about it. So here we go:
I have found several things at home that I can use to clean, and ones that are about as cheap as ONE bottle of bleach or cleaner. Ok first and my favorite: WHITE DISTILLED VINEGAR. My very close second, which is usually used with the first, is BAKING SODA. Here is the lovely (and an extensive) list of their uses. The other one which is the one I haven't really tried out yet is HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. Will try these very soon though :)
Because we're having a boy (!), I have been looking at, and been loving the color combination of orange, grey, brown and green. So these following things are making me happy today:

Though I will always love pale pale green, like this from here.
Apart from all this, I've also started looking into life hacks. I love life hacks! :) Here are 15 from Apartment Therapy.
This just looks DIVINE :) As does this lovely recipe for grilled cheese.
And I am loving this new blog as well... and THIS ONE :) Well new in my eyes :)
I will leave this from Neil Gaiman, on why we need libraries, reading and daydreaming :)
Yes. It seems that the most adventure I will be getting in my future has to do with kids :) So I am so embracing these last few weeks of "calm".
See you guys soon. I will be posting again here in cyberspace ;)