Still trying to get over this crappy head cold... and somewhat cough and fever. I'm scared it is dengue, but so far my fever has broken and after having some really hot noodle soup, my body seems to just need more rest and maybe a little chocolate.
Anyway, today is about (half delusional) ideas. And boy do I have one. I need to hone it more just to be sure. All I'm going to say is that it is about food.
So I love this site and I'm sure that I've said that before. I don't care. It's an awesome site :)
I've decided that I will go to the hardware / house stuff store and buy me about 4-5 black frames and start cross stitching again. Maybe some nice cute little messages, inspiring little things that they usually put on posters, then hang them about my home :)
Not a bad guide really... 17 things to make your life easier
These tattoos are lovely! And thanks to this post, I now remember one of my besties owes me a tat session. I want matching swallows near my elbow area.
Need to do more braids and ponytails.
And I am so sad that this man died tonight.
He was the best comedian in the Philippines. RIP Dolphy. Thank you for making us laugh for so long. Thank you, Dolphy.
And now, good night.