I use the drums as free therapy & gigs as being paid to do group therapy. :) I like all sorts of other stuff aside from music; like books, traveling, food & pretty things, & I keep a record of my thoughts of those here. Thanks for dropping by! :)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
There are 3 sides to every story
I personally don't know what to feel for the this lady that died. I mourn for her loss, as a human being, that her family has to go through a rough time throughout her illness and now have to cope with her death. She will also be mourned by my country, and countrymen and women. I mourn for her death because she is human, was a mother, a grandmother, a wife, a daughter, a story, a person. I will not mourn her for her achievements for they were the downfall of my family. OR part of the downfall that people say was long coming. Anyway, my condolences to her friends, her family, her loved ones. I wish they did not have to taste the bitterness of a fatal illness, of her being weakened, of her being physically diminished.
I wish that she is in a better place now, hopefully with her husband, where they can live out eternity together. I hope that she is in no more pain and is not suffering. May she rest in peace.
Friday, July 31, 2009
I want this bike
I've been I suppose the word for it is "nesting" for some time now and I'm obsessed with doing stuff for my flat. The next project I'm thinking of are shelves (which need to be bought with next month's paycheque) and framing all these posters and prints I've acquired over the years. Aside from this, I would like to set up my stove soon (this being something that I've been saying for 2 years) and start cooking. Also, I need someone to teach me how to crochet again.
Lots to do this weekend. My boyfriend C's younger sister is getting married on Sunday, so that will be another beerfest. Actually even C's good friend is getting married on the same day! WOW! I must get my liver ready for that. So quiet time before the storm will be tonight and tomorrow. Sunday will be when all hell breaks loose.
And of course, the fingers are still crossed for a job. Well another one. Fingers, limbs, hair and eyes crossed actually. WEEEEEE! Have a happy weekend everyone!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Starting over

4. Nice mixed CDs
5. Waking up wrapped around C's legs and with my two kittens staring at me, waiting to be petted.

6. Coming up with weird one liners such as: "Why is it each week, another kernel of happiness pops into oblivion?" It reminds me my brain is still working
8. The anticipation of a nice dinner
10. End of the working day, which means Friday (my favorite day) will be coming in a few hours. YAY!
I guess it wasn't such a bad day after all since it's not even done yet! Here's to blogging tomorrow. :)