So here I am again trying to blog...this will be attempt number 4...or is it 5? Ah well, whatever. Here I go.
Today was a pretty bad day: being denied for something that you need is a real pain in the rear but I'm trying to figure out a way to get out of this sad, feeling helpless funk. So I am determined to see the silver lining of today so I will now list the 10 things that made me happy today.
1. Friends chatting with me online.
2. A nice cup of coffee...cold since I live in the very tropical Philippines

4. Nice mixed CDs

5. Waking up wrapped around C's legs and with my two kittens staring at me, waiting to be petted.

6. Coming up with weird one liners such as: "Why is it each week, another kernel of happiness pops into oblivion?" It reminds me my brain is still working

7. Plants vs. Zombies

8. The anticipation of a nice dinner

9. The anticipation for a jamming with a friend later at his studio
10. End of the working day, which means Friday (my favorite day) will be coming in a few hours. YAY!
I guess it wasn't such a bad day after all since it's not even done yet! Here's to blogging tomorrow. :)
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