You know what I realised? More often than not, my blogs are always on a Thursday.
Curious, that. :)
Anyway, A few things today:
If I was mega ultra super sonic rich, I'd TOTALLY own this. (thank you Andy for making me drool.
I have been trying to grow my hair for ages now, but since Manila is so SO hot (and HUMID..gaaaaaah!) this summer season, my long hair days may be cut pun intended. I added TWO new blogs to my list today and one of them, had THIS picture:
I absobloominglutely love this hue of green....
And the shades of camel.....I want my wedding to look like THIS color scheme. I can't believe I typed that but there you go. :) I love sage and camel as colors!
And it is my nephew's and kitty's birthdays today! Two of my favorite boys :D Having dinner with Alfy later so I'm trying not to eat coz the food will be YUMMEH.
Today also, I've put in place a plan B. I can't really say what it is for yet, but that I've put it in motion. And I've also realised I don't like being in limbo. Limbo as a planet sucks. Nothing is real, everything is grey; nothing tangible, all fog. I like knowing where I am or where I'm least the general direction thereof.
That's not too much to ask for is it? :)
I have my first gig back with my old band the Dorques tomorrow. I think the butterflies are only starting to gather NOW, as the matter sinks in. We are going to play a 45min set tomorrow, and though that may sound like a short time, you have to know that our songs are on average, 3mins. Our entire album is just ABOUT 45mins, hahahaha!
(L-R Knell - Bass; Joffy - vox, guitar; Nina - vox, keyboards; me - vox * DRRRRRRRUMS)
It'll be nice playing with them again. There's a connexion that we have that I can't explain and even if we don't get along sometimes, and get on each other's nerves, it cannot be denied that when we make music together, it is so bloody EASY. A beat, a riff, a chord.....and off we go. I guess we're so in tune with each other that it's second nature to do what we do. I like that.
My friend's interactive art exhibit is going down on Saturday, and an old friend of mine and I will meet up then. It should be an interesting night. :) I"ll write more about both these events after the fact.
Anyway, it's a full weekend ahead and I'm trying to brace myself for the fun! :)