Not only is it Monday, it is one dreary, rainy one. I wish it were one of those rainy days that is comforting (if there is such a day), or one that makes you happy it is raining. Today isn't just one of those days. It's just a dreary, gray and near depressing day. And a Monday to top it all off.
At least the weekend was fun. I had a great lunch yesterday with my two best friends, Miao and Vildebeest. We just went nuts over foie gras and steak and duck comfit and freshly grated black truffle on our risotto and ohlord, all the other yummy things that we ordered!!! This was in direct celebration of Miao's birthday, which will be tomorrow. :) An early celebration with the girlies which continued on from the restaurant to my favorite bookstore to cupcakes for the win. YUM YUM YUM. I haven't had that much fun in a while without C.
It's nice to get back to my touchstones, and these ladies are definitely my touchstones. I have a tattoo of this on my back as a testament of our trio and friendship. I put it in the middle of my back to respresent that they are my anchors, my "default setting", my touchstones.
That was my 5th tattoo. In the middle of my back. Thought it was the best place to put something that represents the 2 people in the world who are my anchors. When all boyfriends and jobs and families get in the way and make me nuts, they are the two people I run to for everything and they know me better than anyone else in this world.
Today I am promising myself that I will continue on with my story with a friend of mine. We're going to try and get this sucker out in time for Christmas so we can sell it!
I'm also in the middle of trying to organize a tattoo night in C's resto/bar with another artist friend of mine who also tattoos. She, along with this guy who's going to illustrate the book I'm writing (it's really a collaboration) and another group of artists ( will be marking up the walls in C's resto/bar. I'm Ms. Coordinator for the project, amongst others. So I will now need to get off the blogging and send an email.
There, that helped pick my spirits up a bit! :)
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