After having such a long weekend, it is hard to come back to a job you really don't like. There I said it. I don't like my job. I'm not happy anymore. I can't trust anyone to NOT screw me over. People are setting me up for things that I never commited to, and will use that as an excuse to the higher powers to show was an inept individual I am and not getting on with the team, blah blah blah. I don't really care. I'm here for the paycheque. And for the hours that I can blog and search through the web. HAHAHA!! I know it's unprofessional, and it may not look good on the CV, but at this point, I don't really care so long as I'm getting the paycheque.

Aaah my kittens. The one in the back is my little boy Panthro, and the one stretching itself out there in the foreground is my little girl Katara. They make my life happier. :)
Enough negativity! :D Now to regale you with something....tragically funny....I suppose that's the word for it. If it were ever made into a film or skit of some sort, I suppose it would fall under the category of "dramedy". ANYWAY!
Yesterday was a surreal day. I got locked in my own bathroom. Yep you read that right. I got stuck/locked in the damn bathroom. FOR TWO HOURS. Now, this being the PHilippines, the humidity level is high and therefore, when I got out of that bathroom, after trying to use pliers and several screws to bash the door in, I was physically soaking wet. My shins were sweaty. Aside from that, when they (C and my lovely best friend Em who is also my neighbor) bashed in the door, I hid behind the toilet, in the shower, and when the door finally went down, I jumped for joy, got my shorts caught on the faucet in the shower, and the entire thing came off, which spouted water everywhere.
In hindsight, it is HILARIOUS. At the time, my elation was deflated as quickly as it came.
Anyway, moving on. It's Monday, it's a new week, a happy time, beginnings, etc. So looking forward to this week, these are my general plans:
1) to finish writing the story for my friend, who I'm teaming up with to write that weird children's story...I owe him the other half...and I WILL EDIT IT!;
2) Help my friend/bandmate put on a fundraising gig for her dad byt confirming the bands by end of the week, fingers crossed;
3) To confirm all the meeting details for the Art weekends at C's resto, the little project I'm doing for him;
4) To follow up with all the job opportunities that are coming my way, projects and whatnot;
5) Keep on with the band, and make sure everything's cool with that and come up with lyrics for one song;
6) Try not to sleep at work (hehehehe);
7) Try to keep my head for two weeks til I hear from that I really want it!
8) Relax for the upcoming long weekend. :)
I'm thinking of bringing my laptop to work. I don't know if that's a good idea, if I have to commute to work. Hmmm...If it's one of those days I'm riding with C then maybe. I think I can get more things done that way and I can also transfer all my files from my office computer to my laptop already. NICE.
I'm sorry to be such a grumpyburg today. I'm just not up to being too happy. I suppose I'm also tired with the bit of drinking I had last night with friends. I swear, I need to keep off the juice for a while. I should be happy about being able to organise my bookshelves into a more presentable state! And that I managed to fit all of them yeah. That really was a feat. And I couldn't believe I'd read all those books (though I was proud too hehehehe). I should take a picture and put it up here.
As of now, this picture will keep me happy for the rest of the day, and hopefully make me forget I don't have running water at home until that stupid faucet is fixed.

Aaah my kittens. The one in the back is my little boy Panthro, and the one stretching itself out there in the foreground is my little girl Katara. They make my life happier. :)
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