...and it is MONDAY!
I don't know. I think it's that point in my tenure here in my company that I just can't take anyone here seriously. I don't trust anyone, I don't like hanging out with them, and I know that most are backstabbers. I try and stay away from all gossip as much as I can, but sometimes it's hard not to get sucked in, especially at lunch. They're all nice, but c'mon, everyone can be nice for at least an hour long stretch at a time. I don't know. Just making my way to work is making me tired. Knowing I have to get up just to get to work here makes me tired. I've tried all the little "reward point" system to incentivize (is there such a word?) myself into getting back into the groove I should be in to do a good job, but now matter how many times I make a lovely poached egg (and my lord is it lovely) with toasted-just-right bread, I still can't make myself get up and go.
How yummy does this look?!
I am also on tenterhooks about several projects on my plate which I hope will work...or at the very least help me pad my savings account a bit. 
The one thing I AM looking forward to is to getting back into drumming (FINALLY!) after nearly a month of not playing! GRRR!!! My arms and legs are itching with beats to play! So tonight, I'm happy to announce, I will be back in my drum stool with my friends pounding away!!! And it's for my uh, sorta new old band.
Ok ok...I must back up and explain. About 3 years ago, 3 of my girlfriends decided to make a band together. So we did. Unfortunately, one of them was relocated to Vietnam shortly after for a 2 year stint. Now she's back and we can get on rock n'rolling :)
I also need to wake up early (or semi early) tomorrow to close my bank accounts. My current bank is absolutely the PITS in service and with the nonexistent internet banking. URRRG. I don't see why they have to advertise how good they are when it doesn't exist. They should aas the customers! But maybe there AREN'T any customers satisfied enough to ASK.....hmmm!! Anyway, I'm moving all (which is admittedly not much) stuff over to their competitor! HA! TAKE THAT BDO! PFFFFFRRRBT! :)
Anyway, I like what I have packed for dinner (sardines...YUM!) and I can't wait to see my gurlies later. This is going to be fun...for a Monday! :)
Anyway, I like what I have packed for dinner (sardines...YUM!) and I can't wait to see my gurlies later. This is going to be fun...for a Monday! :)
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