Sunday, December 6, 2009

New York or London?

I've lately been feeling the wanderlust more than usual.  I guess it's because also of the season.  This season doesn't seem right to be all hot and stinky.  I would like to be in crisp cold weather.  Autumn, I miss that season.  All the colors, the brisk walking that comes with it, the golden hue to the world. 

Of course when it comes to places, the two favorite places I have lived comes to mind, which are New York City and London.  I miss them both.  Now that the wanderlust has taken over, I'm trying to imagine myself where I'd rather be.  My heart is in London, my soul is in New York. 

I guess I'm just a traveler.  In my head.

Though recently the desire to move out of this country has taken hold of me.  Again.  But I think that sadly, this may be permanent move, IF I do move.  I'll give myself til next year to decide and save up.  After all the troubles of this year, I need to save up first. 

For now, before I make any decisions, I will just look at pictures. 

Though it does seem different without the twin towers.  :(

Aaaaaaaaah London.  And the Thames.  Wow, what I wouldn't give to go back.  Then again, I have nothing right now.  But then, well, you know what I mean.


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