Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Back to work Tuesday

And I will repost from my other blog today's entry:

Just to help keep it in my head...MUST DO THE FOLLOWING BY FRIDAY:

- must clean out the kitty boxes (ah but this I must do every DAY since there are TWO of them that poop up a storm);
- must clean out the plastic plant boxes;
- must get soil from landscaper's down the street and more seedlings;
- get some basil seedlings / flowers from Ludos with the permission of Jerome;
- wash the dishes; also an everyday affair (yak!);
- clean out the fridge for any stray leftovers that haven't been eaten and cook those that are still good and not rotting;
- pick up laundry (or have it delievered?);
- Move all accounts that can be moved to BPI from BDO by Thursday at the latest
- do something clever with the small amount of pasta in the cupboard;
- Say prayers every night for *that* which you are hoping for...and pray that karma will not bite you in the rear;
- Try and get on with those paintings, lyrics (for the Marshas), and final storyline (for Apol).

Damn. That's a lot to do...I know I can I know I can....

We don't have work tomorrow and I'm debating whether or not I'll come in for "extra credit" or come in on Saturday instead. I think I'll come in tomorrow but be late since I'm going out tonight. Wow, that's another thing I haven't done in a while: SEE A BAND!!!

I miss my friends in the music scene and I can't wait to hang out with them later, even just for a while. Must control the beer tonight though so I don't feel retched tomorrow (damn you, age!). One or 4 may be fine. hahaha! Good thing about all this is that at least I'll have a ride home because my bandmate loves me! Go Conch aka Mrs. T! :)

I'm happy too that I got to finish an article today at the last minute. I didn't cram it, it was just that we had a miscommunication about the length of the article. They were asking for 6000 characters and NOT the 600 which I heard. At least I did it fast and efficiently...I hope that counts for something and that they like it. I'm pretty sure I edited that sucker.

It's almost end of the day. I can't wait to head over to Ludos and get the salad that they are testing out! I've already tasted two of them, and I honestly like them both, but perhaps the steak salad will win tonight over the salmon.

Talk tomorrow!

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