Friday, December 4, 2009


I'm now home, on a FRIDAY, because I have an infection in BOTH my ears, my sinuses are shot and my nose is all torn up.  I'm back on antibiotics / steroids and I'm now poorer than I've ever been in my life.  EVER.

It's harder on me that I have to pay for all these meds than the actual sickness is.  And it's all coming out all at the same time!  What the F man. 

I knew this year could get worse than it already has!  :(  *SIGH*

Please let this end already.  I want some good juju.  GOOD VIBES ALL AROUND. 

At least I can now watch all the DVDs around the house.  Also reread "The Once and Future King" for the book club. 

That and the thought of work is keeping me going.  I got a new laptop.  For work.  That's what is keeping me going.   It's pretty. :)

This will be a test of my strength.  My stubbornness.  It will all work out, I hope.  Will just keep the faith that I can muddle through this holiday.  I feel guilty not being able to give gifts to people I care about this year.  That's one thing I liked about the holiday, picking out gifts. 

Anyway.  I gotta come up with a scheme to get a truck so I can move in a new fridge and aircon :)

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