Monday, October 12, 2009

Mandate Monday

Today I have decided that the rest of the week will be known as "MY WEEK".  This will be promptly commenced by an overdue massage tonight.  :D

I had such a good time by myself yesterday, I didn't see the point of not doing it again, or indeed, to do it for a whole week!!  I have several books that need reading, and the DVDs of the West Wing will not watch itself.  :D  Unless it is jamming with the band, or some emergency, I will go home and stay in the company of my kittykids.

I can't paint tonight, so I'll sked that with my neighbors downstairs before doing.  I'm sure between us, we can find some time to do it. 

Short entry today, maybe its because I'm really just tired, as I got up today at 5-6am.  My head has been lolling around since a while ago in its socket.  Coffee is helping.  I just have to remind myself that all I need tonight is to buy some toothpaste.  That. Is. It.  Then go home.  No need for running around.  Lots of food at home, and lots of dishes too. hahaha!

Should be all clean and lovely and showered before massage.  Must be ready.  ZEN IT OUT!

from: HERE

I'm all about this picture.  OOOHHHHHMMMM.....