Monday, June 7, 2010

Long time no blog

I'm sorry my little blog for leaving you on the wayside! :(  May came and went and I was a bad bad gurl, and started a habit of getting up at 1pm EVERY DAY. Tsk tsk tsk. NOT GOOD. 

I'm sorry.  Monumentally.

Now I'm back though!!!  I have new stuff to share with you!!!  :)

My birthday was a blast...too much fun I reckon.  I'm now on full detox mode til July 1st.  I'm trying to be a good goil.  So far, it's working.  I just slipped up the other day with a handful of chips.  Otherwise, I've more or less stayed within the boundaries.  

OK!  So now, to my different foodstuffs :)  Since I hardly go out both to budget and for health reasons, I've been coming up with weird ways to keep myself occupied.  Most of these things have to do with food.  

SO!  I will now start off what I will be calling the "SUBO SESSIONS".  No, it's NOT Susan Boyle.  "Subo" in tagalog literally translates into "morsel", or "spoonful".  The act of "subo" is to "spoon / put into the mouth".  As I mentioned in an earlier blog, I'm a fan of being able to eat whilst reading a book so that would mean that I liked stuff that was all in one "subo".  It was going to be called the "One Subo Wonder", but then I thought about it, and "Subo Sessions" seems more catchy.  So, now WELCOME TO THE SUBO SESSIONS! :)

Last night I put together half a kilo of ground beef, a handful of chopped deseeded chilies (which I paid for later with throbbing hands from hell), 3 tomatoes, 2 red onions and a topping of a handful of chopped flat leaf parsley.

I ended up with THIS: 

Pardon me, I'm not a food photographer.  But THAT is the end result.  :)  I was quite chuffed to be honest, and I couldn't believe that came out of my little 2nd hand toaster.  :)  

I also made some roasted baby garlic :)

Oh it was nice and literally SWEET! :)  YUM.  

So HOW does this become a Subo Session?  Well coz keeping with the detox constraints, I just got a spoonful of this, and slapped it on top of heaping brown rice.  I got 2-3 roasted garlic and squeezed it on top, then MIX :)


I've also found a new love.  Since I can't drink all the soda and stuff I'd like to, I found this tea place called Serenitea.  They serve real tea, with milk or whatever brew you want, with whatever topping you want (such as coffee jelly, sago pearls, etc), and you can control how much sugar is in it, in a sealed cup.  The large is as big or bigger than a Starbucks Venti.  Best buy ever.  I got one the other day, and yesterday went back and got two.  I just finished the 2nd of those two and I want to go back today and get another two :D

This was my first one.  It is the hokkaido milk tea, 50% sugar, with coffee jelly, in a LARGE.  I bought another one yesterday.  Along with THIS:

A medium Jasmine milk tea, 50% sugar with crystals & pearls. YUM.

Anyway, here's to being back.  :)  Found a couple of posts today that were wonderful :)

And the cats are all adorable too! :)

And I loved this.  The first thing that came to my head was "EVERYTHING!!!"  hahahaha!!!