Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day five!

DAY 5: As I start the day with some thanks, a stretch and a yawn, I high five the sun and say hi to the dawn :) Hullo Universe! :)

I would like to see her tomorrow... 


Please check out this video :) Awesome girl :) 

Monday, June 4, 2012

I must do this. MUST MUST MUST.



A line a day... :)

Back, I am. :)  I've recently decided, that I would start writing a line every day starting last June 1st. 

So far I've kept to the plan and been a diligent little girl. I WILL CONTINUE and not be haphazard about this.

To recap what I HAVE written, they are as follows: 

June 1 
"As the mist lifts the gloom, and the sun begins to bloom, I look down at my feet, and see them tap to the beat."

June 2
"As light breaks through my window, i bury deeper and become a blanket burrito."

June 3
"Nothing beats the smell of coffee in the morning..except maybe rain that has just been pouring."

June 4 (today!)
"Darn this hypnagogia from which I suffer! I shall drink from my cuppa and see if I can buffer... its effects and shout a GOOD MORNING to the Universe... What do you know. It worked."

*note: HYPNAGOGIA is the state between asleep and awake of which you are not fully in either state completely.

Just a little word I learned today and thought I'd use as part of this exercise.   I am hoping this will get me writing again. So far, it has been a good little exercise to start up my brain in the morning and to flex my rhyming skills, though as you can see, today I didn't really give a damn. 

I am hoping to do this for a year. That being said, I will try and write here as well. 

Welcome back to me :) So nice to be reunited with this account :) YAY! :) I just wish it wasn't so hard to get into ;)

 My soundtrack for today are these dudes. The Hives. They're cool and have a new album out called "Lex Hives." I suggest you get your hands on it. It gets you moving, and really to get me moving you need a truck and a coupla firecrackers.  And look. They match :) 
See you tomorrow! :)