Saturday, December 26, 2009

A challenege

The same friend that wrote that beautiful piece in the last blog of the passings of this last year, has issued a challenge to the rest of us:

 "Herein lies the challenge - and perhaps the peace - write down ten things you are grateful for this 2009."

Even with the embarrasment of sounding selfish, here I go...

I don't know how, but I'll try and do this. 

1. I'm glad I got to play abroad this year in Singapore, Saigon and Hanoi.  In Singapore, the food and hawker places there were AWESOME.  Oh and IKEA IKEA IKEA.  And the sprained right ankle that became "Barney".   And in Vietnam....the banh mi and the catfish goodness.  Good friends, and crazy nights.

2.  Because of all the traveling perhaps, I'm eternally glad to have been able to learn the true nature of people when shoved into a small breathing and traveling space together, and to maybe try not to do a repeat performance of THAT.

3. I'm glad that I can still play drums and I'm now in a band full of friends.

4. I am grateful to have a home of my own.

5. I"m glad that I've learned that I'm stronger than any health scare that can come my way, even if I get confined in the hospital.  In the end, it really wasn't so bad, since the meds were kickass.

6.  I am grateful for my family, that despite their own crazy, psychotic, nutty, stubbornness that stems from all of them being so darn smart, I see my own shortcomings, potential and normalcy.  Because of this, I'm becoming closer to my siblings and understand them more.

7. I am grateful I got kittens this year.  They've changed my life enormously and are a source of great furry comfort without me having to ask them to give it.

8. I am grateful that I know when a job is making me feel bad about myself, made to feel guilty for thinking I should strive more to reach my full potential, making me feel guilty for my background, and allowed me to stop thinking for myself.

9. I am grateful that because of that awful job, I now have one that is challenging, engaging and with people whose opinions I value and respect. 

10.  I am grateful that C and I can still laugh even with everything that has been thrown at us this year, either together, or individually. 

I guess that wasn't so hard.  :)  Thanks Gang :)

If I ever become a mom.....

...............I will strive the utmost to look like THIS with my daughter, if I have one. :)  So cute and cool. :)

Nice post Christmas chilled out grooves HERE, courtesy of my lovely cousin. (Labyoo Pixiepatu!)

A Christmas song from one of my favorite local bands (and they were with us in Singapore last year), HERE

Thanks to Ashton Kutcher's twitter for THIS GEM

One of the best tributes to all we lost in our little artsy-fartsy-activitst-rebel-underground world this year in Manila, my friend Gang explains their memories all so beautifully HERE.  I admit, I didn't know all of them, and some only peripherally, but this is enough to have made me shed a few tears today in remembrance of all we've lost this last year. 

I'd just like to add one more.  It's time I did.

This was my cousin, Mike Ledesma.  He died on October 14th in his sleep.  We were technically not cousins, but my only sister in law was his mother's younger sister, aka his Aunt.  Since I lived with my sister in law and my brother for a long while, he and his brothers would always be around.  They were like brothers to me as well, and since Mike and I were the same age (I was older by about 7 months), we'd more or less hang out with the same people through our schools and whatnot. 

The months, and even the few years before he died, we weren't as close as we once were.  But whenever we'd see each other, hugging would ensue. 

This was the last ever picture I have of him and with him.  He was such a kind heart and a fun crazy guy.  And to him, I will always say, "I LOVE YOU MORE CUZ". :D

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve Morning

YAY!  Ok ok FINE, I'm not such a scrooge anymore.  hahaha!!!  It caught up with me, just today.  So whilst I listen to my Motown-does-Christmas-songs tracklist from HERE, I will try and blog since I seem to have neglected this spot for a while.  MY BAD.

I got one of my "wishlist" things from  THIS POST.  I got my PHONE!!!  YAY!!!  But now the challenge begins with trying to move all the contacts from the old one to the other.  Perfect holiday chore as one of my FB friends said.  hahaha!!!

Some pics of the phone (that aren't mine):

FRONT view via

BACK view (with the little purrrty pinky swirls!!) via


I've also gotten a lovely coffee maker!!! 

Thank you to C, who, after endless hinting on my part, GOT IT. :) 

Thanks hon!!! WOOTWOOO!!!  Had my first cuppa from it this morning with E.  Egad.  I got a little too excited and made it as strong as a horse's kick in the head.  WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!

You can control the STRENGTH of the coffee!!! AHLAVEET.

I had lovely gifts from my new officemates too!!!  A lovely Pixies live CD (thankies Belle!!), a great pair of headphones (I sorely needed a new pair! Thanks to my 'daddy' Rafa) and this gigantic bucket of Mojito mix (nice one AJ).  LOVELY.  AHLAVEET!And we had the bestest Kris Kringle I've ever done in my life!  We picked out names (there are only 5 of us) and once we got our 'baby" we had to go through an ipod on shuffle, and whatever track it landed on, that would be the theme of your gift to your baby.  Just in case, you were given two chances with the track.  hahaha!  I got Reggie, and the song of the Kings of Leon, "Pistol of Fire".  So I got him this realistic looking gun that is really a lighter with blue flame.  HAHAHAH!!!  IT even had a stand!  Then of course a water gun just to put out the flames.  :)  I got the lovely headphones from Rafa, whose song was Depeche Mode's "Enjoy the Silence" :)
I'm thinking that since this Christmas I would like to be steady and quiet, that New Year should be steady still, but I would like to kick / shove / push / throw away whatever's left of 2009 into oblivion.  Considering the bad year everyone had, I think that's the best way to go.  Maybe get a room somewhere and ask everyone to just come if they're in town and BYOB?  That would be cool :)  Let's see.

Also, I thought I'd get the phoenix tattoo I've been wanting from Sarah as well.  It is a symbol of ressurection, of surviving, of the cycle of birth and death so why not?  I got both this year.  The color can wait til another time.  :)  It would symbolize a lot.

Just to post some little somethings I've happened upon during my blog reading today:
THIS POST really caught my eye. INCREDIBLE JEWELRY!

THIS POST from a favorite blog of mine, Elephantine had this lovely picture in it:

Please note the constellation cross stitching.  It has been giving me ideas for stuff to do next year.  :)

A discovery of a new BLOG.  So classy, yet raw and original.  I love it. :)
Now to prepare lunch and tackle the formatting of the new phone!!! :)