Sunday, December 13, 2009

Weekend thoughts: 5 things

I am so happy that the end of the year is near! :) 

Even so, I had some thoughts today that I thought I'd put down in my blog.  A friend of a friend who's into all these new age things like reiki masters and feng shui told me once that I should have separate journals and each one should only be used for certain things.  There are way too many to mention, but then there is a part there that I would like to do.  I would like to list all that I'm thankful for, want/need, and everything I would like to eliminate.  He said for me to be specific when listing these thing down.  I thought I'd try this exercise today and keep to 5 things each.

1. I would like to eliminate my temper.  It is like a hurricane on steroids over stupid things sometimes. 

2. I would like to eliminate people who annoy me and bring about said temper, but I need to work with.  EX: our doorman.  I asked him if I could stow my old fridge in the ground floor behind the stairs PLEASE?  With batting eyelashes.......his answer?  SILENCE.

3. The dirt on my floors and in and around my flat in general.  Yes, I like cleanliness.

4. My falling hair.  There seems to be more than usual :(  Maybe because of all the meds I've been taking?

5. Any more sickness.  I don't like being sick.  I don't want to be sick.  I want to be able to start next year UP AND RUNNING!!!

1. I would desperately want a new mobile phone.  In particular, this one:

I would very much like it in white and pink as well. 

2.  I would like headbands from THIS SITE.  I already love her blog. :)  In particular, I would like

the Marci

the Rachel

and the sadly sold out Olga. :(

Then again, I should try and experiment on making this on my own.  HMMMM.....There's a thought.

Where was I?  Oh yeah....

3. I would very much like (and in some cases need) to look this cool and put together:

via here and here

Love the hair, love the pants, love the rings, love the jacket.  LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT.
Does this mean I have to move to Stockhom?  I wouldn't mind. :)  Then again this whole SITE is fab.

4. I want everything from THIS SITE.  Will settle for this pillow with all the lovely ladybugs:

via and you can buy it HERE

5. I want and need to have my health back, without any complications and such. NO TO SICKNESS!!!!

1. The year is almost over.  My breathing out will soon happen.

2. My (sometimes stupid) kitties.

3. That I have a flat to live in with its lovely neighbors and friends who share their food.  Lots of it.

4. The Internet.  I needed distractions today.

5.  What is left of my health.

I have one more thing to be thankful for:
6. I hope and pray that this is the bottom.  Therefore, there is no where else to go but UP. :)

That wasn't so bad.  I actually kinda liked it.  Here's to Monday!!! :)


Anonymous said...

Yes that phone does look really nice. ^_^

This is a nice entry. I do use my blog to "exhale" every now and then and it's nice to get feedback from the few readers that I have.

Here's to better things for this coming new year!

Anonymous said...

Yes that phone does look really nice. ^_^

This is a nice entry. I do use my blog to "exhale" every now and then and it's nice to get feedback from the few readers that I have.

Here's to better things for this coming new year!