Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Midnight again!

Ah the beginning of the month. The beginning of anything is exciting really, isn't it? I've just stated on twitter that I need a bigger vision board, and a friend offered that I should get a vision wall. 

I may just do that.  

I have a deadline looming so I will make this fast!

The nerd and geek in me LOVES THIS.   So so cute!

I love Wes Anderson's sense of style, the tone of his movies, the momentum, everything.  So this is awesome for me.  I still need to watch Moonrise Kingdom. And boy, I love Bill Murray :)

One day, I will be in THIS BLOG.  HAHAHA! :) Bucket list! :)

I miss hanging out in libraries, coffee shops and all these other places. This should be my reminder.

I think I will do this very soon ;) Such a great idea.

I miss Britain. PERIOD.

I honestly love everything in this picture. Even the blondness. I've been thinking about going blonde actually, like WHITE blonde. Hmmm.

I too will now take on exercise again. My body is craving for it. And also because I want a whole new wardrobe hahahaha :) 

Until the next time....Goodnight cyberspace!