Saturday, October 27, 2012

Vision Board: Travel

I've decided that the more I send it out to the Universe, the more it has the chance to come true :)  So here we go, places I want to go to and see.

1) Egypt - mostly because of the history factor.  Of course the pyramids....

...but I would love to see the temples of Abu Simbel (to read up on them click HERE)

2) Greece - There has always been a soft spot in my heart for Greece because of the myths I used to love as a child and the food when I first started eating it.  Oh and the olive oil. And ouzo.  I love this :) 
 Look at the Pantheon.

And I would love to go to Athens, because Athena was and is my favorite deity.  Next would be Poseidon.

3) Turkey - This one is easy. I want to see where Troy is.

Troy's Walls :)

4) Estonia - It is supposed to be gorgeous there... 


 ...and I've always just wanted to see Tallinn the capital.  Look at how beautiful it is.

5) Prague - This is because it is the gateway to Eastern Europe.  And the vodka.

6) Beijing - Again, a little obvious but the Forbidden City and its history is a fascination of mine...

And the Great Wall.

7) Laos - I have just never been there and I've been to Vietnam and Cambodia already.  It is the last place in South East Asia I haven't seen yet. 

I want to see this!! It looks fantastic :)

8) Iceland - Reykjavik I heard is lovely.  Also the whole aesthetic of the Netherlands makes me happy.  


9) Finland - I've just always wanted to go to Helsinki.  Also, I want to see the aurora borealis (Learn about the Northern Lights HERE).  I heard that they have a fantastic summer music festivals too.

10) Russia - I would love to go here because of my personal fascination over the last Czar and Czarina, vodka and caviar. :)

And I would like to see the Moscow Cathedral.

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday afternoon

This is the Friday afternoon of the first long weekend we have this month. Yes, we have TWO.  And not only do we have TWO, they are BACK TO BACK.  So next week is also another long (I think it is actually even a long-er) weekend. YAY!!! :) 

So here I am, picking up where I've slacked off with you my poor, unread blog and I'm here to give you some necessary attention :)

Saw the usually fantastic stuff online today that I want to share! :)  Here we go :) Oh and as I write, here is a little SOUNDTRACK for you to listen to, if you feel so inclined :)

I know that somewhere in my city (Manila, Philippines), I can do this...  Though when I will need a sweatshirt, considering it doesn't get colder than 25 degrees Celsius, is beyond me. I know! I can do this to tshirts :)

Hilarious "theory" :) 

I am technically not a fan of table cloths, but I think I may do this DIY one for the cats, like a little curtain for the litter area

I love how these bookshelves go into  the wall. I'm still trying to think if this is how I want mine. Maybe in a bigger space and not this current apartment.

I wish we could do things like these here in Manila.

I have a feeling I will be using THIS SITE A WHOLE LOT.

When I have kids, I have a feeling that I will do my own version of this :)  Pretty neat :)

I want to do this to whatever house/apartment/condo I am in, which is to set apart a space, whoever small, just to BE. These are great examples of that.

AND! These stamp-like wall rollers are giving me ideas too of what I can do in my own home :) OR you can just go straight into their website,

I am loving this HOUSE PLAN, but maybe not the same exact stuff... and not the same colour definitely.

And THIS is just an overall great reminder :)

This weekend, I am planning to bank articles and do some research on a secret project I'm doing.  I owe my tito this for a very long time.  But next weekend, I'm going on a baking spree. I haven't been able to do ANY baking in a long time, so this will be fun.  

I also need to start brain storming on what to write about in the other blog with the boyfie. 

Until then my dear blog :)  *hug*