Saturday, October 27, 2012

Vision Board: Travel

I've decided that the more I send it out to the Universe, the more it has the chance to come true :)  So here we go, places I want to go to and see.

1) Egypt - mostly because of the history factor.  Of course the pyramids....

...but I would love to see the temples of Abu Simbel (to read up on them click HERE)

2) Greece - There has always been a soft spot in my heart for Greece because of the myths I used to love as a child and the food when I first started eating it.  Oh and the olive oil. And ouzo.  I love this :) 
 Look at the Pantheon.

And I would love to go to Athens, because Athena was and is my favorite deity.  Next would be Poseidon.

3) Turkey - This one is easy. I want to see where Troy is.

Troy's Walls :)

4) Estonia - It is supposed to be gorgeous there... 


 ...and I've always just wanted to see Tallinn the capital.  Look at how beautiful it is.

5) Prague - This is because it is the gateway to Eastern Europe.  And the vodka.

6) Beijing - Again, a little obvious but the Forbidden City and its history is a fascination of mine...

And the Great Wall.

7) Laos - I have just never been there and I've been to Vietnam and Cambodia already.  It is the last place in South East Asia I haven't seen yet. 

I want to see this!! It looks fantastic :)

8) Iceland - Reykjavik I heard is lovely.  Also the whole aesthetic of the Netherlands makes me happy.  


9) Finland - I've just always wanted to go to Helsinki.  Also, I want to see the aurora borealis (Learn about the Northern Lights HERE).  I heard that they have a fantastic summer music festivals too.

10) Russia - I would love to go here because of my personal fascination over the last Czar and Czarina, vodka and caviar. :)

And I would like to see the Moscow Cathedral.

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! :)

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