Saturday, November 20, 2010


Whooooweeeeee. It has been a while since I've blogged. A lot has changed since I was last here.

Biggest of all the events is that I'm seeing so many concerts now. I'm gona head over to HK in two weeks time to see the Gorillaz. Gorillaz "On Melancholy Hill"  I've posted it before, but well here it is again :) 

I've just seen the Gin Blossoms two nights ago wherein I relived my 16 year old self but forgot to wear my doc martens and flannel shirt.  That was a good start actually.

Apparently, I found out that Green Day will be coming over in January, and Aerosmith sometime in Feb.  Also in February, the Deftones are coming over (!) and I will again go back to HK around the 18th to see Eric Clapton.  My life is full of music anyway, may as well have visuals to go with the soundtracks. :)

I am single again after a long period and having a great time at my new job.  It's an interesting thing that everything seemed to fall into place recently.  Not that I wanted to be single or anything but events following that seem to be I don't know, something I needed. Perhaps the shock did it. 

Now that it is November, I don't understand this whole thing with the mustache.  What's up with that?  Why November? Can't we be mustachioed all year round?? Just a thought.

Still trying to figure out WHAT color under heaven I can make my room.  I know it will be in the faded sort of near pastel-ly range of color, and that the hue will be green or blue, but WHAT?  I must start before the end of the year comes.  I don't want my room to not be ready for New Years.  

Something like this hue of green...but a little more blue....does that make ANY sense?
Or like the blue of that pillow all the way to the right of the frame but a little more green.

But yeah that PALE. :)  I'll know it when I see it!!! 

I'm also, I THINK, becoming a bonafide girl after say, about 25 years.  I'm starting to like all these wedge booties.  And I'm starting to use the word "LIKE" a lot.  Like, right there.  

And oh the new job.  The new job is much like me being the fish and the job being the water.  JOY.  Not only can it make my career, but I know I can kick ass in it.  Which, I will. :)  So, though it has been a sucky year, the end looks like it's turning on itself and is giving me a little reprieve.  YAY ME!  YAY LIFE! :)

So everything is looking good coming into the Christmas season.  I hope I do more blogging soon, I really should get back into it. :)  I think I''ll re-dye my hair red just for the occasion.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Middle of the week

Today I've been reminded that in my country, everything is still pretty much the wild wild west.  Or EAST, rather.  I wish it was as fun as it sounds, but it is not.  The past month's drama over the tourist bus, where several lives were lost due to a disgruntled ex-policeman who wanted his job back, was unfortunately for the rest of us Filipinos, the start of a nightmare.  

Today, friends of mine are marking a death anniversary of their colleague, brother and friend.  This time last year, Alexis Tioseco a local young film critic and buff (sadly one of the last fans of Filipino cinema) was brutally murdered in his home and they killed his girlfriend with him for a bunch of computers or books.  The newly hired help is still being blamed for letting in the murderers.  To this day, the police have not only bungled up the process, but put in jail a man falsely accused of the murder.  Because this man was in jail, he could not care for his sick wife, and she died.  Anyway, it's such a sad story...if you would like to read more into it, please CLICK HERE.  Rest in peace Alexis and Nika.  I hope that at the very least, you two are together.

At the end of all this, is the police and their lack of well, EVERYTHING.  Between the backbone and education, they are sorely lacking with everything.  With all the technologies that are available now, everything they can learn online, they do not.  

Hence MY personal want to move out of here.  I can't even trust my policemen!  :(  Sad sad sad times.  

To go into something that is a little less depressing, I saw this saying today: 

The most important thing in life is to stop saying "I wish" and start saying "I will".  Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities like probabilities.

I'd like to think that that is how I view life.  Nothing is impossible.  It's a matter of you getting it done or not.

Anyway, I'm sorry if today's entry was a sad one, but well, that seems to be the general mood of the day.  

Anyway, here's a song to help us all along the way.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's been a long long time :)

Wow.  It's been a long, LONG time since I've written.. Nothing particularly happening over here, just trying to get the financial crisis that is/was my life on track :)  Now I'm back! :)
So since I've left this poor little blog,  I've been trying to get organised and have tried to get back to a 
'healthy' routine; you know, with exercise and all that jazz.  So now, I've been going back to pilates and yoga classes.  Sadly, last few weeks I've been sick (yes weeks :( ), and I have not had a chance to catch up.  Hopefully, tomorrow I can attend the class and get back into the groove.

I've been sick on and off for a few weeks now, the last bout of which I had fevers on and off to add on to the lovely cough and cold I was trying to nurse. I'm much better now, and can actually sit down and do work for an extended period of time. 
Anyway!  Now we're all back and healthy, I've gone through some blogs and want to share with you some stuff I've found :)
Book jewelry. I love eet!

Digging these paintings.  For some reason, I'm beginning to like art work like these, ones with smudges or the like.  It seems to make the piece more interesting in my eyes. :)  Go Mr. Bongiovanni!

I love the simplicity of this dress.  I know I can wear that ANYWHERE. :)


I would LOVE a trench coat like this:

All the cool uses for chalk board paint. :)   Makes me want to go out and get some. :)
I am no where near being a girly girl, but this picture really threw me into a loop of girlishness....
I would love to have even just one Chanel No. 5 bottle.  Just ONE. *sigh*

I want my kitchen to look like THESE!!! 

I wish my back looked like THESE pics:


But with tattoos :)

Speaking of...I really should get my phoenix done already.  *gulp*

But I must keep reminding myself that it will be beautiful.  All the pretty colors....hihihi!

Till next time :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday musings

Just some stuff I've come across today:

Especially for THIS photo.

SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!  I want everything from there!

Perfect for the weather here in the Philippines!   Plus you can cover it up if it is too risque.

 I would totally love it if SOMEONE did this for my birthday :)  Yes, I am a Harry Potter freak. And YES, I'm 32 years old.  Weird but those books changed my life.

Nice thought for the day :)

The last few weeks I've kind of been out of it.  Even if I'm on detox, I'm not feeling like I'm aware of everything around me. I'm been so lethargic and indifferent to stuff going on around me.  Though I love to stay home, I think it's becoming unhealthy.  Ah but maybe age is also catching up with me, telling me to stay put and such.  Fair enough.  Then of course the 3 day migraine didn't help matters.  Ah well.  I'm trying to take care of myself, so far I think it's working.  I just need to maybe cheat a little and give myself a shot of coffee on Monday morning!!!!  OR go back to Serenitea today and buy me a few mugs :D Yeah I think that's what I should do :) 

Been craving for those for a while now...hehehehe!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday...sometime in June

I've come to a decision today, 
that I will use my next pay
check into making my house
a pretty place to stay.

I will buy shelves with no elves, 
A desk for success,
frames with no names,
and more bins for other things.

I don't know why I'm rhyming
& I know that my timing
is a little off
like the shelf paper lining.


Ps. It was nice to get a mention in THIS blog.  I love my neighbors :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Steady Sunday

As I type, it's overcast and the room has darkened a bit.  It's 4pm and it looks like it's dusk already.  The wind is getting stronger, which usually means tonight there will be rain.  

I love this kind of weather.  :)  Reminds me of England!

Then of course, reality bites me in the butt:

The mountain of dishes yet to be cleaned. *sigh* Didn't know porkchops took this much work :) hehehe!!!  Twas worth it though.  

O there it is.  I know why I'm a moving sloth-like today!  It is because I stayed up for the England vs. USA!!  Yeah that ended up at 5am Philippine time. A draw.  A DRAW I TELL YOU!  Ah well, the boys will come back fighting.  I can feel it!

I like this saying:

Oh and I think I want the jewelry in THIS SITE. Fawn fawn fawn over the rings.  Gorgeous :)

Yesterday, I'm happy to inform you, that I got a hand held blender!  I'm excited to use it for smoothies and soups and sauces. :)  Thanks to C who bought it for me!! :D  Not bad either, since it was priced under Php1000.  

Here are a few links I found browsing the blogging world today:

That lovely dress came from THIS lovely lady :) 

So there you go!!  Oh hey, do you like the new layout of the site? :)  I tried to put together something that had green and hot pink in it.  This is as close as I could get! :)  I hope you like it!!

Happy weekend! :) 

Monday, June 7, 2010

Long time no blog

I'm sorry my little blog for leaving you on the wayside! :(  May came and went and I was a bad bad gurl, and started a habit of getting up at 1pm EVERY DAY. Tsk tsk tsk. NOT GOOD. 

I'm sorry.  Monumentally.

Now I'm back though!!!  I have new stuff to share with you!!!  :)

My birthday was a blast...too much fun I reckon.  I'm now on full detox mode til July 1st.  I'm trying to be a good goil.  So far, it's working.  I just slipped up the other day with a handful of chips.  Otherwise, I've more or less stayed within the boundaries.  

OK!  So now, to my different foodstuffs :)  Since I hardly go out both to budget and for health reasons, I've been coming up with weird ways to keep myself occupied.  Most of these things have to do with food.  

SO!  I will now start off what I will be calling the "SUBO SESSIONS".  No, it's NOT Susan Boyle.  "Subo" in tagalog literally translates into "morsel", or "spoonful".  The act of "subo" is to "spoon / put into the mouth".  As I mentioned in an earlier blog, I'm a fan of being able to eat whilst reading a book so that would mean that I liked stuff that was all in one "subo".  It was going to be called the "One Subo Wonder", but then I thought about it, and "Subo Sessions" seems more catchy.  So, now WELCOME TO THE SUBO SESSIONS! :)

Last night I put together half a kilo of ground beef, a handful of chopped deseeded chilies (which I paid for later with throbbing hands from hell), 3 tomatoes, 2 red onions and a topping of a handful of chopped flat leaf parsley.

I ended up with THIS: 

Pardon me, I'm not a food photographer.  But THAT is the end result.  :)  I was quite chuffed to be honest, and I couldn't believe that came out of my little 2nd hand toaster.  :)  

I also made some roasted baby garlic :)

Oh it was nice and literally SWEET! :)  YUM.  

So HOW does this become a Subo Session?  Well coz keeping with the detox constraints, I just got a spoonful of this, and slapped it on top of heaping brown rice.  I got 2-3 roasted garlic and squeezed it on top, then MIX :)


I've also found a new love.  Since I can't drink all the soda and stuff I'd like to, I found this tea place called Serenitea.  They serve real tea, with milk or whatever brew you want, with whatever topping you want (such as coffee jelly, sago pearls, etc), and you can control how much sugar is in it, in a sealed cup.  The large is as big or bigger than a Starbucks Venti.  Best buy ever.  I got one the other day, and yesterday went back and got two.  I just finished the 2nd of those two and I want to go back today and get another two :D

This was my first one.  It is the hokkaido milk tea, 50% sugar, with coffee jelly, in a LARGE.  I bought another one yesterday.  Along with THIS:

A medium Jasmine milk tea, 50% sugar with crystals & pearls. YUM.

Anyway, here's to being back.  :)  Found a couple of posts today that were wonderful :)

And the cats are all adorable too! :)

And I loved this.  The first thing that came to my head was "EVERYTHING!!!"  hahahaha!!!  

Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday before the 32nd

It's the Friday before my 32nd birthday.  It's going to be a crazy CRAZY weekend.  Starting tonight, my friends will gather at C's resto / bar and help me usher in the weekend.  Then tomorrow, C and I will go to a concert of all these awesome local bands.  Then on Sunday, MY BIRTHDAY, we'll be seeing Tears for Fears.  THEN! On Monday yet ANOTHER celebration at Izakaya, this place I DJ :)

The joy the rapture!  And I got two books yesterday for P300.  A good omen if there ever was one.  :D

Things are looking up. 
I am loving THESE little spaces!!!  AAAAAAAAARH....if I could, I WOULD do this to my place....




Isn't that office space awesome?  Look at all those books!!  *faint*

Those flowers....well of COURSE it's bloody South of France.  What I'd give to be a housewife and live there, and raise my kids........I can go on.

OH.  I want to look like THIS LADY.  I've been wanting to cut my hair.  I just might do it.  I may start a new job soon.  I think I need the new hair.  White blonde or red? :)  Or jet black with electric blue streaks?  I can't decide.  HELP :)


After um, almost 5 months (yes I know I suck)?  I've finally learned how to input music into my phone.  Any music you guys recommend for being stuck in wherever?  Offices? Lines? :)

Til next week.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! :)  Have a great weekend!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Not so Manic Monday

Haven't written in a while....been a bit busy, trying to figure out what to do with the job front etc.  Long, complicated and nearly depressing story.  When we're free and clear, I will dedicate a blog entry to it.  PROMISE.  

For now!  Let's see all the great things I've picked up in the web. :)

I remember doing a lot of THIS when I was younger.  I'm happy to see that it still lives on. :)

See based on THIS POST, I'd be Lyra Silvertongue, Bastian Balthazar Bux, Peter Pan, Harry Potter or several other characters.  

Been sick for a while, but since I'm ok now, and it is STILL scorching, sweltering HOT here in the Philippines (it seems that every day is the new hottest day EVER), I can eat the ice candies I made!!!! 

The brown ones in the bottom are coffee! :)

Pink ones are pink lemonade :)  Those are really refreshing. 

YUM. :)

I've also been thinking of putting together a section of this blog to "One Subo (spoonful) Wonder".  I'm a fan of eating alone and I usually do since I feel like it's the one part of my day that I can be by myself and regroup.  I usually have a book to read, and it just makes things easier when food is a one subo wonder.  

So I will start documenting the best one subo / spoonful wonders I have. :)  

I can now drink coffee!!!  JOY!!!  I will document the making of vietnamese coffee popsicles here.  Any other ideas of what I can make into popsicles? :)  


Sunday, April 11, 2010

More Melissa :)

Here with model Karen Elson, singing a cover of "Devil's Plaything" by Danzig. Crazy good. 

There's really something about redheads.

I would love to play drums for...

This lady....

Ms. Melissa Auf Der Maur.  

She is sheer awesomeness.  *sigh*  She's gorgeous too!!!  What an awesome bassist :D

What I bought....

....this lovely Sunday.  My first ever, EVER couture piece :)

And since I'm such a Beatle fan, it is done by a Beatle SPAWN.  Stella McCartney's top is awesome.  I can't wait to wear it.  And all for Php2600!  I didn't even realise that tidbit til writing it out.  YAY!!!

It's a dusty, faded rose sort of color.  And I need to wear a tank underneath.  Perfect for the sweltering hot days here in MANILA!!!!

*sigh*  I'm so proud of my new buy :)  And yes, I know, it's on a plastic hanger.  I'm still poor and I'm trying my best :D

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Thought I'd try something I've always wanted to do before: put together pictures I've taken and words that come into my head.  Here's attempt #1 :)

I've got some ways to get yet, methinks :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Friday Friday

For a Friday, today seems pretty mellow.  I'm not complaining at ALL, I actually like it and I'm excited to stay home and read tonight. And to top it all off I'm seeing Timbaland, Justin Timberlake and Jojo tomorrow!

I should get some inspiration for new beats at that concert.  Which is good, considering I feel like my drumming has plateaued recently. :(  I haven't been able to practice as much as I'd like, so I  feel like I need to shoot some new inspiration into me. 

Which I hope this concert does.

I like this hat

I want this desk.  It is exactly the shape and size I envision for my desk at my home office. Maybe with nice little drawers underneath :)  Maybe in RED.

And that THIS was really, really, really funny, but it sure looks really comfortable.

These are some crazy but cool shoes

I wanna try out THIS RECIPE.  Seems easy enough.

I don't know if I've mentioned it here before, but I like Jane Austen.  I've just finished reading "Pride and Prejudice" and I'm happy to say, I now know firsthand why it's a classic.  It is beautifully written!  And I wish that more people who write romance novels write it this way.  Then again, it is an era I suppose.  But see, and maybe this is because I'm in my 30s, but I believe that courtship is important to a relationship.  It is what lengthens the anticipation, and the little what we call in tagalog, "kilig"  moments.  It's when you get the butterflies in your stomach, that anticipation of what could come, the ifs and buts of the early stages of romance.  

Sorry I turned really girly there, but it's true.  Most girls like that.  Not necessarily cheesiness, more of just romantic.  As Franz Kafka said:

Oh. And I think I will build a fort soon.  Forts are COOL Maybe I can have a picnic or something. Yes.  That's a good plan.  For the birthday.  I can make a fort in the roofdeck of my building and have a picnic.  YAY!


Thursday, March 25, 2010


I love Post Secret.  Most times I find just what I'm looking for to explain whatever I'm feeling.  

Today, these two postcards gave me hope.

Thanks Post Secret :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday stuff :)

Happy middle of the week everyone!

THIS is giving me tons (or rather TONNES) of ideas ;)

I'm still debating whether or not to cut my hair short or let it keep growing.  *sigh*  My friends are absolutely no help either.

Candidates for LONG HAIR:



See why it's so hard to make a decision?

 Funny illustration for those in an anti social mood.


I LOOOOOVE THIS "Alice in Wonderland" inspired wardrobe...though I would like to get some of the White Queen's things in there too. :)

I love the clean feel of this house and the pieces in it......  Though, it may be just a little too white for me.  It needs pictures and stuff to make it a little more home-y.  That would be my only thing. 

I doubt I'll be in need of it any time soon, but I do love these dresses.  Wedding or not, I think they look cool.  I actually have a white dress at home, though I don't know how to wear it since it's a little bit see through.  I need to find some way to put in some lining or something in that.  It's a nice summer dress too. 

I also need to start the detox soon, THOUGH I don't think I have any hope of doing it BEFORE my birthday.  So I'm rescheduling it for JUNE.  To be honest, the elections (though I have pulled myself away from it recently) has been grating on my nerves and until it is over, trying to do a comprehensive detox like I want to undertake will just be adding on to the stress.  

I don't think my weak (and wimpy) body can handle that.  

Besides, I think I should be a little more physically fit before doing anything.  I'm rethinking my stance on Bikram yoga and I think I may just do it.  I mean, hell, it'll be the same a running in all this heat, with less of the impact on my knees (I have an ACL on my right knee from rolling down a mountain in Whistler some years back. Twas not pretty).  Worst that can happen is that I will stink in all the heat, but nobody would really care since I'm sure they have the same concern. 

So those are my thoughts so far on this lovely Wednesday.  I'm now off to find some lunch.  

Have a good day everyone :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday again :)

Hello everyone.  I'm back and it's Thursday again.  So far, the last few days and the last week have been nothing but bad.  I don't like the feeling of being in limbo, but at this point, there's nothing else for it.  

So here I sit twiddling my thumbs and blogging and trying to write for several articles.  All due in a few days' time.

I think I will extend my project of the magic markers from THIS to THIS!  It'll be cheaper than wallpaper and easy to take off. :)

I think that I love everything in the Celine show posted HERE

I LOVE THESE DRESSES!!! Especially all the white ones!!!!  Maybe I'm getting into white now because of the heat here in Manila.  Oppressing sometimes, and the humidity is ridiculous.

I just remembered that I dreamt last night the name I would give my daughter.  Weird.

My love for Zooey Deschanel and her quirkiness has now extended to her band SHE & HIM.  I can't describe it.  I'm hesitant to call them folk, though they sort of sound like that.  Anyway, take a listen.  They're nice, light hearted music for late afternoons.

Just enough craziness to push you to the weekend is in THIS SITE and I will need to do THIS to my friends sometime very soon.

I have decided I want to read the Bible for fun.  I have been raised a Catholic, but I do not agree with most of what they say or do.  I believe that all religions stem from one and that the cultures make them different.  If you look at all of them, they are fundamentally the same, the rules and values are just all said in a different way.  Which leads me to the Bible.  I am interested to read it, as a book, not as something I should do to save my soul. 

I am SPIRITUAL, NOT RELIGIOUS.  I am curious about these things though, as well as the fact that the Bible is a great story, whether you believe it to be non fiction or fiction.  So, I will document my progress here and see how that goes :)

I think I'm going to start Bikram Yoga with a friend.  If you don't know what that is, click THIS to see the craziness I'm going to put myself through.  Should be an interesting endeavor.



I need to keep reminding myself of both these facts :)

Hilarious bits and pieces from a cafe.  And something funny from my childhood.

*snicker snicker*

Have a great day people :)  Until next time, I will now leave you with a picture of my two favorite furballs in the world.

(L-R: Katara, Panthro)

And yep, they took over the bed.  AGAIN.  Later gaters! :D


After this crazy and hair pulling-out-of-frustration-due-to-stupid-situations-that-in-the-real-world-don't-really-count-but-apparently-in-politics-it-will-make-and-break-the-candidate, I just had to post this song.  

Thank you Corey Hart.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


As the title implies, Manila has turned into a ruddy sauna.  I am sticky and sweaty and not happy about it.  Tempers are short, and the flares are widespread.  El Nino here has begun and I have never been thirstier in my life.  Thank heavens for this link my friend K sent me.  Now I can have my coffee and be (somewhat) happy about the heat.



I'm sorry to sound like a girl BUT

I have decided I love Alberta Ferretti.

Number 18 is my favorite. ;)

I also want this coat:


Camel and sage.  That is a combo I am LOVING right now.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

You know what I realised?  More often than not, my blogs are always on a Thursday. 

Curious, that. :)

Anyway, A few things today:

I have been trying to grow my hair for ages now, but since Manila is so SO hot (and HUMID..gaaaaaah!) this summer season, my long hair days may be cut pun intended.  I added TWO new blogs to my list today and one of them, had THIS picture:

I absobloominglutely love this hue of green....

And the shades of camel.....I want my wedding to look like THIS color scheme. I can't believe I typed that but there you go. :)  I love sage and camel as colors!

And it is my nephew's and kitty's birthdays today!  Two of my favorite boys :D  Having dinner with Alfy later so I'm trying not to eat coz the food will be YUMMEH.

Today also, I've put in place a plan B.  I can't really say what it is for yet, but that I've put it in motion.  And I've also realised I don't like being in limbo.  Limbo as a planet sucks.  Nothing is real, everything is grey; nothing tangible, all fog.  I like knowing where I am or where I'm least the general direction thereof.

That's not too much to ask for is it?  :)

I have my first gig back with my old band the Dorques tomorrow.  I think the butterflies are only starting to gather NOW, as the matter sinks in.  We are going to play a 45min set tomorrow, and though that may sound like a short time, you have to know that our songs are on average, 3mins.  Our entire album is just ABOUT 45mins, hahahaha! 

(L-R Knell - Bass; Joffy - vox, guitar; Nina - vox, keyboards; me - vox * DRRRRRRRUMS)

It'll be nice playing with them again.  There's a connexion that we have that I can't explain and even if we don't get along sometimes, and get on each other's nerves, it cannot be denied that when we make music together, it is so bloody EASY.  A beat, a riff, a chord.....and off we go.  I guess we're so in tune with each other that it's second nature to do what we do.  I like that. 

My friend's interactive art exhibit is going down on Saturday, and an old friend of mine and I will meet up then.  It should be an interesting night. :)  I"ll write more about both these events after the fact.  

Anyway, it's a full weekend ahead and I'm trying to brace myself for the fun! :)

Monday, March 1, 2010


I FOUND IT!!! Song of the day. Totally wanna cover this, both drumming and singing :)


Hot Ride by: Prodigy feat. Juliette Lewis (I love her she's so kickass)

Monday stuff

Sorting through the Monday to-dos, I've decided to look through some blogs to take a break. :)  As you do. 

So I found these little gems. 

I seriously want one of THESE in my little flat.  I figure that I can fit it in, since it seems slimmer than a regular piano. :) 

This BAG is so cute.  Hyphen indeed.


I didn't know THIS.  It's like the length from the nook of your elbow, to the end of your wrist equals the measure of your foot.  Or your neck is half of your waist.  Or your fist is your sock.  :)



Mispronounced foodie words.  I was not aware that that was how you said GYRO.  Learn something new every day. :)

What a cool book shop / cafe! 

Because I STILL want a cloche! 

And to end with a NICE QUOTE: 

"I must learn to love the fool in me--the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries. It alone protects me against that utterly self-controlled, masterful tyrant whom I also harbor and who would rob me of human aliveness, humility, and dignity but for my fool." 
-- Theodore I. Rubin, MD (thanks Cup of Jo)

 Have a great week ahead! :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursady Musings

This Thursday, I stayed home from work due to a painful tummy and slightly feverish body. :(  

But I tried to work from home, and I think I did ok. 

I saw a few things I'd like to share with you since I had such a sloooooooow day today....just a few things I picked up from the Internet that sort of describes my mood. 

I LIKE this quote.  Finally found one that describes my work ethic...if I have one.

Well done is better
than well said.

Benjamin Franklin


 I want THESE for my kitties...though they may very well murder me if I ever DID get them.

   BUT I could TOTALLY imagine Katara or Panthro wearing THIS one.  THEY'RE UNICORNS!!! :) hahahaha!!!

  I had a nice little bike ride today and got myself some coffee and groceries.  I'm excited to watch "West Wing" tonight.  :)


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Testy Tuesday

I am / was really testy today.  It's been a long, long day.  But since I don't want to blog about any more negativity, I will now post things here that has made me smile today.

First of all, I wouldn't mind living in ANY of these houses.  Gorgeous.

I would like to have this hanging somewhere in my home when I have children:

Things to help you SMILE. :D

A neat way of reusing those old MAGAZINES.

I am loving THIS ENTRY, and want to make my own #10 :) hihihihi

And THIS just made me feel gooey all over hahahaha :)  Clever little bugger. :)

I'm having a really trying week, and by the looks of things, it'll just get hairier.  I am not looking forward to it at all, though I know I need to roll with the punches.  I'm pretty sure I can, it is just a matter of how to do it.  I suppose, it's because there are a lot of things that are just hanging, that are really, really sensitive and tentative topics, and are completely out of my control.  Any false move could jeopordize and affect a lot of lives.  Nothing too life or death, or anything like that, though it is almost as good as. 

Still I try to look at the good in this, that it could very well get better, and that by the end of the week I'll know where I stand.  The risk is high, but the reward is equally so.  Fingers crossed. :)

Besides! My band, the Dorques is reuniting for a few gigs and the first one will be next week on the 5th.  I'm not as excited as I first thought, but I have missed playing those feel good tunes.  I've been studying our album, and boy, I never realised how FAST I made the time!!!!!  I'm so sorry bandmates!!!! :-s

It'll be fun though.  It was always fun playing with those guys.... :)  So need to worry.  Roll with the punches!!!  Steady as she blows....

...and for now, I will just sit back and have a beer.  :)