Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Friday Friday

For a Friday, today seems pretty mellow.  I'm not complaining at ALL, I actually like it and I'm excited to stay home and read tonight. And to top it all off I'm seeing Timbaland, Justin Timberlake and Jojo tomorrow!

I should get some inspiration for new beats at that concert.  Which is good, considering I feel like my drumming has plateaued recently. :(  I haven't been able to practice as much as I'd like, so I  feel like I need to shoot some new inspiration into me. 

Which I hope this concert does.

I like this hat

I want this desk.  It is exactly the shape and size I envision for my desk at my home office. Maybe with nice little drawers underneath :)  Maybe in RED.

And that THIS was really, really, really funny, but it sure looks really comfortable.

These are some crazy but cool shoes

I wanna try out THIS RECIPE.  Seems easy enough.

I don't know if I've mentioned it here before, but I like Jane Austen.  I've just finished reading "Pride and Prejudice" and I'm happy to say, I now know firsthand why it's a classic.  It is beautifully written!  And I wish that more people who write romance novels write it this way.  Then again, it is an era I suppose.  But see, and maybe this is because I'm in my 30s, but I believe that courtship is important to a relationship.  It is what lengthens the anticipation, and the little what we call in tagalog, "kilig"  moments.  It's when you get the butterflies in your stomach, that anticipation of what could come, the ifs and buts of the early stages of romance.  

Sorry I turned really girly there, but it's true.  Most girls like that.  Not necessarily cheesiness, more of just romantic.  As Franz Kafka said:

Oh. And I think I will build a fort soon.  Forts are COOL Maybe I can have a picnic or something. Yes.  That's a good plan.  For the birthday.  I can make a fort in the roofdeck of my building and have a picnic.  YAY!


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