Saturday, December 26, 2009

If I ever become a mom.....

...............I will strive the utmost to look like THIS with my daughter, if I have one. :)  So cute and cool. :)

Nice post Christmas chilled out grooves HERE, courtesy of my lovely cousin. (Labyoo Pixiepatu!)

A Christmas song from one of my favorite local bands (and they were with us in Singapore last year), HERE

Thanks to Ashton Kutcher's twitter for THIS GEM

One of the best tributes to all we lost in our little artsy-fartsy-activitst-rebel-underground world this year in Manila, my friend Gang explains their memories all so beautifully HERE.  I admit, I didn't know all of them, and some only peripherally, but this is enough to have made me shed a few tears today in remembrance of all we've lost this last year. 

I'd just like to add one more.  It's time I did.

This was my cousin, Mike Ledesma.  He died on October 14th in his sleep.  We were technically not cousins, but my only sister in law was his mother's younger sister, aka his Aunt.  Since I lived with my sister in law and my brother for a long while, he and his brothers would always be around.  They were like brothers to me as well, and since Mike and I were the same age (I was older by about 7 months), we'd more or less hang out with the same people through our schools and whatnot. 

The months, and even the few years before he died, we weren't as close as we once were.  But whenever we'd see each other, hugging would ensue. 

This was the last ever picture I have of him and with him.  He was such a kind heart and a fun crazy guy.  And to him, I will always say, "I LOVE YOU MORE CUZ". :D

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