Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hopes for the New Year

I've already come up with some resolutions for this upcoming year.  Here I go....AGAIN.

I will try and follow this book:

you can order it here from Amazon

I've had several goes at this book, but I think this time it'll stick.  I'm older now and whether or not I like it, I need to start taking care of myself.  *SIGH*  I will not say "here's hoping" this time.  I will say INSTEAD "LET'S GET IT ON."

Apart from that, I'm seriously in need to fixing finances. SERIOUSLY. IN. NEED.  What I mean is, I have nothing anywhere near a savings account.  I had an account that I didn't touch for a couple of years, and due to this past (and very crappy) year, I have had to dip into it and now it is all gone.  So next year, start from scratch.  Every centavo accounted for, all expenditures looked into.  I will also seriously look into life insurance.  My friend and neighbor E is looking into it himself and over coffee this afternoon, he was telling about his little plan to put a bit aside.  When he reaches 45, he'll still be earning and living comfortably, if he retires.  I want that.  I want to be able to say that.  I don't mind working, it is just a matter of finding something that will earn at this point.  I can't run around ragged anymore and not get anything in return for it. 

Anyway, some thoughts on a Saturday night in.  Things worth looking into and following up. 

Man I hate being a grown up. :(

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