Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So far, so good

So far, the year has been good. 

So far, I've been keeping to my resolutions, and will start my detox very soon (it needs a lot of preparation).

So far, I haven't done my number #2 resolution ("Put away 1/3rd of my salary every month. Open new bank account to keep it in WITHOUT A DEBIT CARD. Maybe just an ATM card that will be kept at home. Or something."), but I'm trying to spend wisely.

Haven't done #3 ("SORT OUT THE FLAT. To work on it for the first quarter of the year so that by my birthday, I will be able to have people over without them tripping over boxes.") either BUT, am planning my strategy for Febuary.

Ok I've been actively trying to do resolutions #7 & 8.  ("Get a makeover. Nothing drastic, just start to not look too much like a teenager." and "Hopefully with the Book Club, to at least read one new book every month. " respectively)  I just sent out an email to my book club-mates. :)

Doing # 11 for sure, and trying my best to DO my best.

I'm surviving #12 the best I can. WHEW.

So ok, not too bad but not too great either.  I must try harder.  It's nearly halfway through the month!!!

It's now nice and cold and rainy outside.  Here's hoping it won't be another Ondoy. 

I also did something last Saturday, a photoshoot to be exact, but I can't really say about it NOW.  Once it comes out, I'll spill all the beans and post the pics.  :) 

My cousin's wedding this past Sunday was so much fun, that I think it was TOO much fun.  Still recuperating.  HEHEHE. 

Trying to get into a routine and so far so good. 

Just thought I'd share that with the world wide web. :D

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