Friday, September 14, 2012

Frustrated Friday

Today I am a little frustrated with my job situation.  I'm actually thinking of moving to a new one, but I gave my word I wouldn't.  Thing is, though there are all sorts of other usual, job related problems that I can more or less handle, I can't see why the finance team keeps docking my pay. I have had more or less the same absences since the last time, and it is now 2/3rds of what I'm supposed to be getting. 

URG MONEY. I hate it. 

On to better and brighter things :)  

There is this: I never realised we owed so much to William Shakespeare.

I especially love the bottom left hand outfit of pure white. So clean and lovely, perfect for sunny days in this tropical temperatures.

An interesting idea for jeans :) It's the fit that is the hardest part anyway.

I will use this as inspiration for my own closet :)

Then, there is Serge and Jane :)

Gray and white, white and gray :)  Heart heart heart it.

Loving the contrasts of these materials.

Using the following as inspiration for my own home as I have so many old posters and hings I want to keep.

I need a picture / art wall. :) Must clean up my toys and old piles and organise it this weekend.

Anyway, a happy Friday everyone! :)

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